1. General Introduction
Daiichi Travel is the brand name of Daiichi Group International Co., Ltd - a company specializing in international education consulting and labor migration services to countries such as Japan, Australia, Germany, South Korea, and Taiwan. With remarkable achievements, Daiichi Travel is also renowned as one of the most reputable brands in passenger transportation, international, and domestic tourism services in Vietnam.
2. Why you should choose Daiichi Travel
Daiichi Travel, a prestigious brand of Daiichi Group International Co., Ltd, shines with its diverse services and incredible reputation. Here are the reasons why you should place your trust in them:
World-Class International Experience: Daiichi Travel is not only a passenger transportation and tourism company in Vietnam but also an expert in international education consulting and labor migration services. With significant success in supporting education and work opportunities in countries such as Japan, Australia, Germany, South Korea, and Taiwan, they bring assurance and reliability.
Reputation and Class: Daiichi Travel is known as one of the most reputable and high-class brands in passenger transportation and tourism in Vietnam. Their dedication and service quality are consistently highly regarded.
Diverse Services: You can find a range of services from Daiichi Travel, from domestic passenger transportation to international tourism. Their professional team ensures you have the most memorable and meaningful experiences.
When you choose Daiichi Travel, you choose certainty, class, and credibility. Let Daiichi Travel guide you in every journey and turn them into memorable moments in your life.
3. How to Book on Easybook
You can find the booking steps in the "Easybook Booking Guide." With Easybook, you can book and receive your tickets in just 5 minutes!
Always check our website and social media channels for fantastic promotions on your journey to Vietnam. Easybook is always ready to serve you with Daiichi Travel on every leg of your adventure!