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PO Zentrum

Bus Trans Zentrum or abbreviated as TZ is a bus company from the city of Grobogan, Central Java. Trans Zentrum has been operating since 2011 with the aim of Jakarta - Purwodadi. The characteristics of this bus are arrows or Livery. For Intercity Interprovincial (AKAP) buses, the livery image is behind the globe with maps of Southeast Asia and Australia where Indonesia is in the middle of the globe plus the Zentrum inscription on the arrow. This unique feature attracts attention and gets a place in the hearts of loyal Trans Zentrum fans. 

The bodies used for the Trans Zentrum Bus AKAP include JetBus and ScorpionKing for AC Economy class, PATAS AC and VIP, while Discovery is for Pulogadung Non-AC Economy class. For a variety of colors available yellow, green, red, and blue (JetBus); silver color (Scorpionking), and yellow color with arrow livery (Discovery). For engines and chassis use Mercedes-Benz OH 1526, OH 1626, Hino AK-8 and Hino RK-8. Since 2013, the Zentrum bus service has grown under the management of the Madu Kismo group. Since 2013, the Zentrum bus service has grown under the management of the Madu Kismo group. By joining Zentrum with Madu Kismo, this PO route expansion is increasing—especially for the East Java region which directly borders Central Java, such as Bojonegoro. 


Units PO Zentrum 

PO. Zentrum MK currently operates 52-seater Economy busses, 40-seater VIP buses and 32-seater Executive buses equipped with basic facilities. With its dedication to providing excellent service to passengers, Zentrum has successfully introduced itself to the public as a new PO with good service. 


Amenities by PO Zentrum 

Several facilities offered by PO. Zentrum MK includes reclining seat, dining, Central TV, Toilet and Charging point. 

Office Location

Location Address Tel Fax
Purwodadi Jl. Purwodadi-Semarang Km. 5 Penganten Purwodadi, Kab. Grobogan, Jawa Tengah
* Only 0.01% trips slightly higher than counter price. ** Only applicable for transactions without the use of discount code and trips offered by certain companies. *** For certain trips only, discount already reflected in the ticket price itself (i.e. lower price than bus counters). * Bus pictures are for reference only. * Trip durations are estimated time only.