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Caspla Bali Seaview Ferry Service

Caspla Bali Seaview Ferry

This ferry operator is now a fast-growing ferry operator which gives services for trips going to Nusa Penida. They are the best among all the water transportation that provides services in serving trips with lots of destinations. They have been in service for 6 years now. Caspla Bali Seaview is definitely reliable for getting its passengers into their desired destinations.

Caspla Bali Seaview Ferry’s Schedule and Ticket Price

There are multiple scheduled departures from Sanur, the first schedule of departure is as early as 8:00 am in the morning up to the last departure time which is 4:00 pm in the afternoon; then if you are from Nusa Penida the schedule of departures are 7:00 am in the morning, and 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm in the afternoon. The prices of the tickets are varied, depending on whether you are a child or an adult but rest assured that Caspla Bali Seaview offers you a trip that is affordable. You get to enjoy Bali’s finest places and activities. There are packages you could try during your travel.

They offer lots of tour packages, but aside from that, Caspla Bali Seaview also serves as public sea transport. Their routes coming from Bali are all from Bali going to Gili Air, Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, Lombok, Nusa Lembongan, and Nusa Penida and returning trips from all these destinations going back to Bali.

You can find out more details if you visit Easybook.com, the online platform for booking your tickets. You can first review all the available information on this platform before booking your ticket. It is very convenient for you to book online since this platform assures you a secured online booking system. You can definitely trust this platform since it is directly connected to the ferry operator, the Caspla Bali Seaview.

Best Facilities of Caspla Bali Seaview Ferry

Caspla Bali Seaview will let you explore the beautiful island of Nusa Penida. This is a remote island that hides some paradise beaches you can discover when you have the chance to go there. It is also an ideal ocean for snorkeling and diving, for fishing, and it has fabulous natural hills, scenery, and recreation areas. Enjoy all the beautiful places that only Bali could offer while you are also enjoying the services of Caspla Bali Seaview. Their ferries include a 200 HP x 3 engine and have a capacity of 40 persons.

Contact Information

The main office of Caspla Bali Seaview is located at JI. Pulao Moyo Gang Cemara A No 4 Pedungan Denpasar, Bali – Indonesia with the contact number: +62 851 0044 1680 / +62 851 0010 9999 and their email address is director@baliseaview.com. They also have their counter office located at Jalan Pantai Matahari Terbit CASPLA BALI Seaview, with the phone number: +62 851 0065 9999, and their email is info@baliseaview.com. . With this contact information, you can easily contact them in case you want more information. Also, you can contact them through www.easybook.com.

You can use Easybook.com search engine to find the cheapest fast boat ticket from Caspla Bali Seaview quickly and easily. Use the filter in our search engine and find all trips from Caspla Bali Seaview directly. So you can also find deals, special offers and exclusive discount campaigns.

Book your tickets now at www.easybook.com and you can follow Easybook's social media accounts for latest news update.




Office Location

Location Address Tel Fax
CASPLA BALI NUSA BAHARI Jln pelabuhan buyuk ( buyuk harbour ) no 1, nusa penida, Kutampi Kaler, Kec. Klungkung, Klungkung Regency, Bali 03666
* Only 0.01% trips slightly higher than counter price. ** Only applicable for transactions without the use of discount code and trips offered by certain companies. *** For certain trips only, discount already reflected in the ticket price itself (i.e. lower price than bus counters). * Bus pictures are for reference only. * Trip durations are estimated time only.