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KM Queen Soya Ferry Service

KM Queen Soya Ferry Service

Maybe you are not familiar with the beautiful and wonderfully created places in the world. That is why you might not be aware that Bontang and Pare-Pare are one of them. For your information, Bontang is one of the cities on the eastern shore of the island of Borneo in Indonesia. According to researches, it is located in the area of East Kalimantan. It possesses a territory of 497.57-kilometer square, and the populace was 140,787 at the 2010 Census, and the 2017 Civil Registry assessed the number of inhabitants in the city as 170,611.

On the other hand, Pare-Pare is a city or what they refer to as Kota, in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, situated on the southwest shoreline of Sulawesi, around 155 km (96 mi) north of the common capital of Makassar. Aa a port town, it has one of the significant populace concentrated with Bugis. The city has a populace of 129,542 individuals, as indicated by the 2010 Census.

Now, you are already done with the historical and geographical backgrounds of both Bontang and Pare-Pare. These two have the so-called sea transports which let its travelers transfer from one place to another with an unforgettable experience all throughout their journey.

In both of the abovementioned islands, there is this certain sea transport or ferry, which gets to provide you with the most amazing experience upon your excursion. This is none other than KM Queen Soya Ferry Service.

Routes and Schedules of KM Queen Soya Ferry Service

KM Queen Soya Ferry Service is an ocean transport supplier that offers vessel administration from Bontang to Pare. Going by vessel is a possibility for some to return to their old neighborhood. Moreover, modest ticket costs make voyaging progressively fun. Different vehicles are probably not going to go ashore from Bontang to Pare, with the exception of their ferries.

With vessels, travelers will encounter a wonderful ride. It is to be reminded that the all-out burden that surpasses the limit of the ship's body will make the excursion less secure, so KM Queen Soya Ferry Service will consistently guarantee a sheltered ferry ride to travelers.

Make a point to book a ticket early when voyaging, KM Queen Soya Ferry Service gives helpful transportation guide to all travelers. KM Queen Soya Ferry Service will ensure a smooth excursion to the goal with no problem.

Top Features of KM Queen Soya Ferry Service

KM Queen Soya Ferry Service has furnished with an assortment of fulfilling administrations with the offices and administrations accessible to travelers locally available. There are different sorts of amusement, for example, music and bistros.

KM Queen Soya Ferry Service's tickets can be reserved at Easybook.com now to maintain a strategic distance from long lines at the ticket counter by essentially reserving tickets through Easybook effectively and securely.

Office Location

Location Address Tel Fax
Jl Krembangan Timur No. 8 -10 SBY 82233566666
* Only 0.01% trips slightly higher than counter price. ** Only applicable for transactions without the use of discount code and trips offered by certain companies. *** For certain trips only, discount already reflected in the ticket price itself (i.e. lower price than bus counters). * Bus pictures are for reference only. * Trip durations are estimated time only.