
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia to Kedah, Malaysia Bus Schedule & Fare

Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia to Kedah, Malaysia Trip Information
673 KM
Average Travelling Time:
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Best Guide from Kuantan to Kedah

Best Guide from Kuantan to Kedah

Kedah is one of the northern state in Malaysia and Pahang is third largest state in Malaysia. Both state receive hundred of thousands of visitors every years. Buses are great means of travel for visitors between these two states. Kedah has many visitors travel from Kuantan due to its cultural heritage. It has various museums, and mosques. There are different kinds of market that attract visitors. Best way to travel is by bus from Kuantan to Kedah is always bus if you love picturesque mountains and small villages. takes around 7-8 hours, as the distance between the capital cities is 665 km by expressway.

Travel guide for bus from Kuantan to Kedah

You will not have to visit any travel agent or bus service company to book tickets. Easybook.com will do the job for you as it has the biggest network bus services in Malaysia. A ticket for bus service on this route would cost MYR54 to MYR62.

Major transport company that operates buses from Kuantan to Kedah is Konsortium Bas Ekspres and Economy Express (Kuantan). In Malaysia, Konsortium is one of the most trusted bus services. It has been around for 20 years serving millions of visitors in Malaysia. It owns around 200 coaches and covers most cities and towns in Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore.

In addition, buses are well maintained, making the most trustworthy bus service. For the route of Kuantan to Kedah. The pick-up point is at Terminal Kuantan Sentral and the drop off point is at Kulim, Kedah. From the bus terminal you could easily reach the capital Alor Setar using taxi or other private vehicle.

You must book tickets online as it is much cheaper, faster, and convenient. If you book in advance, you could take advantage of various discounts and offers. In addition, bus services offer coaches, which are equipped with modern amenities like television and air conditioning. Easybook.com will give you all the required details for your bus bookings.

* Only 0.01% trips slightly higher than counter price. ** Only applicable for transactions without the use of discount code and trips offered by certain companies. *** For certain trips only, discount already reflected in the ticket price itself (i.e. lower price than bus counters). * Bus pictures are for reference only. * Trip durations are estimated time only.