
Penang, Malaysia to Genting Highlands, Malaysia Bus Schedule & Fare

Penang, Malaysia to Genting Highlands, Malaysia Trip Information
339 KM
Average Travelling Time:
Total Operator Brands:
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Best Guide from Penang to Genting Highlands

Best Guide from Penang to Genting Highlands

If you want to travel from Penang to Genting by bus, then you have to take the direct route from Penang Island; it would take you 5 hours to reach your destination. There are several bus operators that offer these services by bus from Penang to Genting that is 707 LKS Bus & Tour Services , Kulim First Travel & Tours , Newsia Express Service Centre , Antar Holiday and much more. There are also a few pick up points in Penang where one can catch the express bus from Juru Toll, Penang Komtar, Sungai Nibong Bus Terminal, Chai Leng Park, Tambun Toll, Bukit Mertajam and much more points according to the convenience of all passengers.

You do not need to worry because the five-hour travel will be as comfortable as you expect it to be You will have stopovers so you can attend to your basic needs while you are travelling. These terminals have large bases; rest assured that you would be having a safe journey on your trip to Genting. Despite the fact that there is no direct route if you travel by bus from Penang to Genting, you will be provided with the safety and comfort these buses offer. These buses have air-conditioning, TV and fully reclining seats. Travelling by day on these buses allows you to appreciate the beauty of the places that you will pass by while on your journey to Genting. Your children will surely enjoy the travel as much as you do. You will also get to spend less for your child compared to adult bus rates.

By logging to easibook.com, you will be able to make an advanced booking on these buses, which will be very much comfortable for you. Just make sure that you have a reliable internet connection so you can successfully book your travel. You will not only find routes from Penang to Genting on the website but you can also find routes anywhere in Singapore or Malaysia. Travelling by bus is the best option if you want to spend the holiday on these countries or just take a weekend off from work. In addition, it is a lot more convenient if you get to book your trip online.

* Only 0.01% trips slightly higher than counter price. ** Only applicable for transactions without the use of discount code and trips offered by certain companies. *** For certain trips only, discount already reflected in the ticket price itself (i.e. lower price than bus counters). * Bus pictures are for reference only. * Trip durations are estimated time only.