
About Lomprayah High Speed Ferries Service

Lomprayah High-Speed Ferry Service

Thailand as a get-away paradise for pioneers all around the world, especially the islands with splendid coastlines that become the country's fundamental objectives. Other than the fantastic islands in the Andaman Sea, there are surprising beaches in the Gulf of Thailand especially Koh Tao, Koh Samui, and Koh Phangan, which are the sister islands of Koh Samui. Finding a workable pace with administrations, Lomprayah High-Speed Ferry Service Ferries in Thailand is the most convenient ferry service that can be easily booked by Easybook.

To give you an overview of the history and background of Lomprayah High-Speed Ferry Service Ferries Co. Ltd., this company was set up in 1996. It is also said to be enrolled as Company Limited since 15th of November, in the year 1999, which has an administrator of an interesting armada of rapid sailboat ships administration from Koh Samui to Koh Phang, Koh-Tao, Chumphon and from Chumphon course to Bangkok by the A/C transport.

Lomprayah High-Speed Ferry Service provides a journey with speed, style, and administration. The organization has 7 rapid ships, which are "Pralarn," "Namuang," "Maenam," "Koh Prab," "Thongsala," "Maehaad," and "Thapdaorai." They are the quickest ocean crossing mode in The Gulf of Thailand.

Lomprayah High-Speed Ferry Service’s Top Qualities

Lomprayah High-Speed Ferry Service Ferries has been operating for over 20 years. It has become one of the most celebrated ship administrators from across the Gulf of Thailand. As this organization endeavors to offer explorers quick, secure, and agreeable trips, Lomprayah Ferry has additionally earned numerous great reviews from the individuals who had the chance to go with them. The great reviews have helped the company in gaining numerous clients to explore the Thailand islands.

Contrasted with ordinary ships, Lomprayah High-Speed has quicker vessels with the quick pace of journey making going with Lomprayah a quick and smooth journey. It provides multiple services including flight ticket booking, transport reservation, visit trips, and so forth.

Lomprayah High-Speed Ferry Service’s Contact Details

In the event that you need some more data, if it's not too much trouble, you should not hesitate to get in touch with their company and try to contact them at the provided customer care hotline and contact numbers from various branches below.

● For their General Customer Care Hotline: 0 2629 0011
● For their Branch at Bangkok: 0 2629 2569-70, 0 2629 2550-51, 08 7890 7766, 08 6307 0486
● For their Branch at Hua Hin: 0 3253 2761-2, 08 7890 7775, 08 1978 5656
● For their Branch at Chumphon (City) : 08 1956 5644
● For their Branch at Koh Tao : 0 7795 1129, 08 1370 4004, 08 7888 0769
● For their Branch at Koh Phangan : 0 7742 3761-2, 08 7887 9791, 06 1172 4037
● For their Branch at Koh Samui (Pralan Pier): 0 7795 0700-1, 08 3392 6426, 08 1536 7162
● For their Branch at Koh Samui (Nathon Pier): 0 7742 0121, 08 1079 3299, 08 1893 2552, 06 2243 0617
● For their Branch at Koh Samui (Bangrak Pier): 0 7795 3084, 06 1172 1862, 06 1172 1911
● For their Branch at Surat Thani (Tapee Pier): 0 7720 0932-3, 08 1893 3663, 08 9873 9191
● For their Branch at Nakhon Si Thammarat (Airport): 06 1175 5576
● For their Branch at Krabi: 0 7562 2318, 08 1787 2220, 08 1891 8778
● For their Branch at Phuket: 0 7630 4096-7, 08 1970 8877, 08 1787

* ေကာင္တာေစ်းနႈန္းမ်ားထက္ 0.01% သာ ေစ်းပိုပါသည္။ ** သက္ဆိုင္ရာ ကုမၸဏီမ်ားမွ ေဖာ္ျပထားေသာ ခရီးစဥ္မ်ားနွင့္ ေလွ်ာ့ေစ်းကုတ္နံပါတ္ အသံုးမျပဳထားေသာ မွတ္တမ္းမ်ား အတြက္သာ ေဆာင္ရြက္နိုင္ပါသည္။ *** လက္မွတ္ေစ်းႏႈန္းမ်ား တြင္ ေလွ်ာ့ေစ်းပါ၀င္ျပီး ျဖစ္ျပီး သတ္မွတ္ထားေသာ ခရီးစဥ္မ်ား အတြက္သာ ျဖစ္သည္။ (ဘတ္စ္ေကာင္တာေစ်းနႈန္းမ်ားထက္ ေစ်းသက္သာပါသည္) ဘတ္စ္ကားပံုမ်ားသည္ ကိုးကားရန္အတြက္သာ * Trip durations are estimated time only.