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Latest Deals


ðŸĪĐ 2D1N Batam Staycation at Harmoni One Hotel with City & Shopping Tour, fr $ 178/pax only!

March 09, 2023

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ðŸĪĐ 2D1N Batam Staycation at Harmoni One Hotel with City & Shopping Tour, fr $ 178/pax only!

Looking for a short getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life? Look no further than staycation at Harmoni One Hotel in Batam! With 2 days 1 night staycation package, you'll get to experience the best of Batam's city scene and shopping。

ðŸ”ķ🔷Package price fr $ 178/pax only

ðŸ”ķ🔷Travelling period: till 30 June 2023

Package Includes:

- 2 ways ferry ticket + Seaport Taxes from Harbourfront Centre, Singapore to Batam Centre to Harbourfront Centre, Singapore

- 1 night hotel with Breakfast

- 1 way land transfer from Hotel to Batam Centre

- 1 free Ayam Penyek Dinner with Ice Tea at hotel

- 1 free Traditional Body Massage (60 mins) or Go Kart (10 mins) for Adult Guest only

- 1 free Go Kart ride (10 mins) or Paintball Shooting (30 Bullets) for Child guest.

- 1 day Batam City & Shopping Tour with seafood lunch (Visit Batam Monument, Dino Gate, Kueh Lapis Factory, Chengho Mosque, Batam Miniature Park, Golden Bay, Batik Factory Outlets, Golden Factory Outlets, Polo Outlets, Birdnest Shop, Vihara Budhi Bakti Temple and Grand Batam Mall)

- Meet & Greet service                 


Ferry Schedule:

Trip                                                                                                          Departure Time

Harbourfront Centre Ferry Terminal âžĄïļ Batam Centre Ferry Terminal  0800 hrs

Batam Centre Ferry Terminal âžĄïļ Harbourfront Centre Ferry Terminal  1510 hrs / 1720 hrs / 1820 hrs

*Please arrive and check in 1 hour before departure at ferry terminal.


Day 1: 

- Harbourfront Centre (HFC) to Sekupang Ferry Terminal (SKP) DEP: 0830 hrs

- Visit the iconic landmark of Welcome to Batam Monument, Dino Gate, Kueh Lapis Factory, Cheng Ho Mosque, Birdnest Shop

- Lunch at Golden Prawn 555 Seafood Kelong Restaurant

- Continue to visit Batam Miniature Park, Golden Bay, Batik Factory Outlet, Golden Factory Outlets, Polo Outlets, Local Dry Food Shop, Vihara Budhi Bakti Temple 

- Grand Batam Mall (own expenses)

- Check-in Hotel in the evening

- Dinner serve at hotel

Day 2: 

- Morning Breakfast at the hotel 

- Free at own leisure

- Check out of the hotel at 1200hrs

- Batam Centre Ferry Terminal (BTC) to Harbourfront Centre Ferry Terminal (HFC) Singapore

Book Now

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