
Car Rental in Langkawi Island, Kedah, Malaysia

Showing available cars from 19 Jan 2025 (01:00 PM) to 20 Jan 2025 (04:00 PM)

Cheapest Car Rental Price in Langkawi

Cheapest Car Rental Price in Langkawi

Langkawi car rental services are one of the best means to avail if you want to make your way round the Langkawi Island in Malaysia. They have their own subtle advantages over a taxi. You might find a lot of taxis in and around the area eager to pick you up but they might charge you pretty expensively. You might be planning for a very short trip for which you might end up paying a lot more than you would have if you were availing the car rental Langkawi services. The main reason behind this is that the fares are based on the distance of your destination; they are not monitored based on the kilometres you are riding.

Car rental Langkawi or in Malay "kereta sewa langkawi" services are also highly available and it is not at all difficult to locate them. Most have their agents flocking round the tourists and trying to capture the attention of them. One of the factors on which the car rate depends is the season in which you are visiting the place. If it happens to be an off season, the rate is pretty cheap and might range from MYR60 to MYR500 in day. Do note the price varies on the type of vehicle. However if you have made an entry in the on season the rates per day might be abnormally high. There are enough reasons though to support the increase in rate during the on seasons. Traffic, bad climatic conditions and hazardous roads lead to a lot of trouble for the drivers.

The best place to avail a rental car service is the Langkawi airport. The services herein are much more affordable and convenient. The best of Malaysia car rental services are available in the international airport locality. Some of the famous cars that can be booked online includes Perodua, Proton, Kia, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Nissan, Toyota, Honda and heaps more.

Besides the international airport, Kedah is also an important place where you can lookout from some of the cheapest car rental services. One of the reasons is that both Kedah and Langkawi are attractive tourist spots and remains flocked throughout the year. The best advantage behind renting a car is that you can book out your favourite one depending upon your group size. You can place your booking at easybook.com/car at any time during the day.

The cheapest rates offered for car rental services starts from MYR60 in Kedah. You will get to choose from Honda, Toyota, Ford and a lot more to choose from. Another interesting factor is that most of the cars are automatic so you just need your driving license to roam around. Add to that the factor that you don’t need to return it at the same location from where you hired it.

Finding out your cheapest favourite car rental services won’t be a difficult task especially as you can compare and select the one you like. It is just a click away. However there are a few factors about which you should remain cautious like you should always book from an authorized company. If in case you do want to avail one because of its low cost, see to it that you are renting one that has a legal driving permit.

* Only 0.01% trips slightly higher than counter price. ** Only applicable for transactions without the use of discount code and trips offered by certain companies. *** For certain trips only, discount already reflected in the ticket price itself (i.e. lower price than bus counters). * Bus pictures are for reference only. * Trip durations are estimated time only.