
Batam Fast Ferry Ticket Online Booking

Batam Fast Ferry Service

"Making Voyaging Smoother Since 1985"

This is what the Batam Fast Ferry is all about. They are known as one of the main ship administrators in Singapore and Indonesia. This makes them one of the oldest water-based vehicle service providers in the whole of Asia. However, although their services may have been around for a long time, no one can deny that they still have a high-quality service that they have been giving travelers for years.

Although it is said that their ships are fast and have great engines, this does not affect the capacity nor the size of their ferries. The Batam Fast Ferry ships are quite large and yet they work almost as fast as a small speedboat. Known to be one of the ferry service providers to transport travelers in record time, they have definitely lived up to their name.

For sure, if you want a large space to yourself as you travel from Singapore to Indonesia and vice versa, yet you also want your travel time to be quite short, Batam Fast Ferry will exceed your expectations. Not only will you arrive in record time, but the aesthetics and services of their ships are surely meant for your utmost relaxation.

Schedule and Ticket Price of Batam Fast Ferry Service

The travel time of each takeoff ranges from 40-70 minutes per travel. Since Batam Fast’s main route is to and from Indonesia to Singapore, it is not a surprise that their travel time is quite fast. However, the period of their takeoff does not serve as a limitation to their facilities. In those 40-70 minutes, passengers are able to make the most out of their ferry ride. You will be able to sightsee the ocean and see different animals, and you can also indulge in the abundance of the ocean breeze. Whatever it is that you plan to do while traveling with Batam Fast Ferry, you have time for it.

Batam Fast Ferry Service’s Top Facilities

Their ships can accommodate 140-338 passengers and offer 35 takeoffs with the 15 ships from six-ship terminals. They have quite a number of terminals which just proves that their ferry services are high in demand. It is not a surprise that some of their ships are two to three storeys high and are designed to cater more passengers. These ferries are considered the most lavish because of their wider spaces and yet still fast engines. Batam Fast Ferry has discovered and applied the balance between aesthetics and practicality and this is exactly what makes them different from other water-based transportation service providers.

In addition, their ships have VIP rooms, in-house video framework, cooling framework, and bar counter. These amenities are built to provide comfort to the passengers. Not only that but these also contribute greatly to the extravagance that each of their ferries possesses. Although these amenities are included in all of their ferries, the ticket prices are still easily affordable. Batam Fast Ferry is not only for the rich but their services can also be experienced by the commoners.

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