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School Holidays 2019

Malaysia School Holidays 2019

School holidays are approaching! Enjoy exciting vacations in 2019 during the school holidays and explore thrilling urban adventures in Malaysia.

The Malaysian School Holiday 2019 Calendar is governed by the country’s Ministry of Education (MOE) whereby the dates released are official school holiday dates for the year 2019. The holidays in Malaysia are announced before the start of a new year at the end of the current year and the system is split into two that cater to distinctive groups namely Group A (Kumpulan A) as well as Group B (Kumpulan B).

These groups are established as several states allocate different weekend days than other states. Group A refers to states that issue Friday and Saturday as the weekend whereby states include Kedah, Johor, Kelantan and Terengganu. Group B, on the other hand, refer to states issuing Saturday and Sunday as the weekend referring to the remaining undisclosed states as well as territories.

Below is the national calendar for the 2019 Malaysia School Holidays.

Group A (Kedah, Kelantan, Johor, Terengganu)

School Holidays Starts Ends
Term 1 22 Mar (Friday) 30 Mar (Saturday)
Mid-Year 24 May (Friday) 8 Jun (Saturday)
Term 2 9 Aug (Friday) 17 Aug (Saturday)
End of Year 22 Nov (Friday) 31 Dec (Tuesday)

Group B (Kuala Lumpur, Labuan, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perlis, Penang, Perak, Putrajaya, Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor)

School Holidays Starts Ends
Term 1 23 Mar (Saturday) 31 Mar (Sunday)
Mid-Year 25 May (Saturday) 9 Jun (Sunday)
Term 2 10 Aug ((Saturday) 18 Aug (Sunday)
End of Year 23 Nov (Saturday) 31 Dec (Tuesday)

Book Tickets with Easybook

Book a travel ticket now with Easybook to kickstart an exciting school holiday this 2019 in Malaysia. Easybook offers a convenient platform for a hassle-free holiday to book tickets on board buses, trains, ferries as well as providing car rental and charter services. Look out for a variety of fantastic school holiday deals on Easybook by checking out the website and social media pages for updates or download Easybook’s mobile app to book tickets anywhere at any time! Get to Easybook today and book travel tickets conveniently to enjoy the school holidays this 2019!

*仅高价于柜台价格0.01% **仅适用于没有使用折扣码的交易 ***部分行程折扣已包含于票价中(低于柜台价) *图片仅供参考 * 行程时间仅为估计时间。