
Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia to Terengganu, Malaysia Bus Schedule & Fare

Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia to Terengganu, Malaysia Trip Information
487 KM
Average Travelling Time:
Total Operator Brands:
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Best Guide from Kangar to Terengganu

Best Guide from Kangar to Terengganu

Taking a bus from Kangar to Terengganu is always better then taking a flight, as you can get to reach your destination directly. Besides that, the convenience of taking a bus to Terengganu directly is that you can get to to see the beauty of Malaysia and its scenery along the ride.

A ride by bus from Kangar to Terengganu takes around 8 hours plus depending on the traffic conditions and the speed of the bus. As Terengganu is said to be very famous for its natural landscapes and beaches, travelers will definitely get to enjoy a ride through the cities.

Travel guide for bus from Kangar to Terengganu

Cepat & Cekap Express is one of the famous express bus company that offers bus services from Kangar to Terengganu. The bus ticket prices for Cepat & Cekap Express ranges from MYR 40 to MYR 70 onwards. Passengers can travel in Cepat & Cekap Express 40 bus seater from Terminal Bus Kangar and pick their preferred drop-off destination, either Dungun or Kuala Terengganu Bus Terminal .

You can also book your return journey one shot at Easybook for the bus trip from Terengganu to Kangar, Perlis. For this bus trip, Cepat & Cekap Express also offers bus from Terengganu to Kangar from MYR40 to MYR70 onwards.

So if your looking to purchase your bus ticket from Kangar to Dungun, then look no further as Easybook.com is here to give you the perfect solution. So do not wait any longer! Book your express bus tickets with us now and save heaps of money and time with us.

* Only 0.01% trips slightly higher than counter price. ** Only applicable for transactions without the use of discount code and trips offered by certain companies. *** For certain trips only, discount already reflected in the ticket price itself (i.e. lower price than bus counters). * Bus pictures are for reference only. * Trip durations are estimated time only.