
Easter (Good Friday)

Easter 2019 Date

Easter Day is considered as one of the many significant celebrations in the Christian Calendar where the preceding Friday before the Easter Sunday is known as Good Friday.

Date Day Holiday States
19 Apr Friday Good Friday/Easter Sabah & Sarawak

About Easter Day

Easter Day marks the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and is an essential commemoration in the Christian church year. The name Easter was derived from the Anglo-Saxon name for April known as Eostermunath. Believers also credited that the name originated from a goddess called Eostre who was honoured at the beginning of Spring.

The date of Easter changes every year depending on the pastoral approximation of the March equinox where there are equal periods of light and darkness. One of the many Christian boards known as Council of Nicaea formerly decided that the Easter date is to be on the first Sunday after the first full moon of the March equinox.

The Easter celebration is also linked to Good Friday as Friday is believed to be the day when Jesus Christ was crucified. It is also regarded as Good Friday as ‘good’ denotes divinity and Good Friday falls on the Friday that comes before the Easter Sunday. The Easter date in 2019 will fall on the Friday of April 19th.

Egg-cellent Easter Day Food

As with other festive celebrations, Easter is a time of the year that is deeply associated with food traditions.

Hardboiled eggs are common during Easter celebration as they are used with colourful dye for decorations or Easter egg hunts. On Good Friday, hot cross buns are customarily served. The eating of hot cross buns is significant as it marks the end of Lent (where Christians fast during the period) because the buns contain dairy products and dairy products are forbidden during the period.

Food on Easter Day

  • Hot Cross Buns
  • Boiled eggs (traditionally served at breakfast)
  • Roast lamb (traditional meat for the main meal on Easter Day)
  • Simnel cake (baked for tea)
  • Easter Biscuits (eaten on Easter Sunday and are sometimes called "Cakes". The biscuits contain spices, currants and are occasionally grated with lemon rind)

Easter Day Traditions

One of the important elements at any Easter day celebration is to eat hot cross buns and to feast on the lamb. It is believed that during the Pagan times, hot cross buns were baked and offered to gods during the commemoration. The connection of lamb to the Easter day celebration is related to a section in the book of Genesis whereby Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son.

As eggs are a great representation of rebirths, believers dye Easter eggs with a variety of colours to celebrate a new season. The Easter bunny, on the other hand, was originally a hare as hares were a symbolism of fertility according to the Pagan religion. The Easter bunny eventually retained to be associated with Easter day celebration even after the people converted to Christianity.

It is believed that wearing new clothes on Easter day denotes good luck for the rest of the year. In countries such as the United States, believers would take part in an Easter Day Parade whereby they flaunt their new clothes in the form of a peripheral fashion show.

Fantastic Places to Visit

Although Easter Day celebrations in Malaysia may not be as dynamic as in European countries and the United States, it is no reason to miss out on a few enchanting experiences during the season. As Easter day in 2019 falls on a Friday, only Sabah and Sarawak provide a day off for the celebration due to the strong presence of Christians within these regions.


Explore Sabah during Easter day to see a fuse of exceptional features. Sabah inhabits a relatively minuscule portion of the world’s third-largest island. English is commonly spoken in Sabah making it significantly tourist-friendly.


Sarawak offers a plethora of culture, nature, food and adventure. Find out what makes Sarawak an exquisite tourism destination and get a glimpse of enchanting sights of the Easter day celebration in Sarawak.

Travelling Tips

A common trend that occurs during any festive season is the massive traffic and long delays within many road networks in the country as thousands of people head back to their hometown as well as travel to a variety of holiday destinations. Standstill traffic will take up many hours and all major transportation hubs including airports, railway stations, ferry services and primarily bus terminals will be packed with a huge crowd.

It is advisable to plan out the journey and ensure to book travel tickets for buses and trains in advance as tickets during the festive season will be sold out early. Check out regular traffic updates via radio stations or tv broadcasts for a convenient trip. As delays during the festive seasons could take up many hours, it might be worth taking a neck pillow or a light blanket along. For journeys on board bus, flights, trains and other public transportations, make sure to reserve some space for these necessities so that comfort can be achieved throughout long-haul journeys.

Book Affordable Tickets with Easybook

Head over to Easybook today to purchase travel tickets conveniently. Make sure to book travel tickets in advance during the festive season to avoid any distress. Look out for a variety of amazing Easter day 2019 celebration deals on Easybook by checking out the website and social media pages for updates or download Easybook’s mobile app to book tickets anywhere at any time!

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