
Hari Hol Pahang

Hari Hol Pahang 2019

Hari Hol Pahang is a public holiday that commemorates the death of one of the late sultans of Pahang. The date is fixed and is celebrated on the 7th of May annually.

Date Day Holiday States
7 May Tuesday Hari Hol Pahang Pahang

About Hari Hol Pahang

Celebrated since 1974, Hari Hol Pahang is a day where the state remembers the life, sacrifices and passing of its fourth ruler, Sultan Abu Bakar, the father of the current Sultan Ahmad Shah of Pahang. The late Sultan Abu Bakar was very much loved by the people of Pahang for his significant role in reshaping Pahang’s social and political development in areas covering religion and education. He managed to construct many of the reformations during the Japanese occupation.

Hari Hol Pahang Traditions

On Hari Hol Pahang, the people of Pahang will honour the memory of Sultan Abu Bakar by conducting religious events including what is known as Tahlil in various mosques. Readings and recitals of the Quran as well as prayers are carried out to ask God to forgive the sins of the sultan and to bless the state of Pahang.

* Chỉ có 0.01% chuyến đi có giá cao hơn giá tại quầy. ** Chỉ áp dụng cho các giao dịch không dùng mã giảm giá và các chuyến được cung cấp bởi một số công ty nhất định. *** Chỉ áp dụng cho một số tuyến nhất định, giá ghi trên vé là giá đã giảm (thấp hơn so với giá tại quầy). * Hình ảnh xe chỉ để tham khảo. * Thời lượng chuyến đi chỉ mang giá trị ước tính.